A penny (dollar) for your thoughts. | DollarThought

DollarThought || A concept where I pay you one dollar for your ideas. This is an introduction to working as a consultant.





Your Thought:

Mailing/Postal Address/Zelle/Venmo/CashApp:

Email to patbaynes@gmail.com or text, call, or voicemail to 414-588-2373.

I will add you to my vendor list and I will work to make you more of a contributor over time.


Why did I start DollarThought?

I started DollarThought because I realized that most people would never pay me even a dollar for my services. Even if I created large amounts of value, the thought of calling me a consultant or paid vendor is inconceivable or unnarural to them.

So I set out to create a consultant force around America and the World – who I actually pay. Even if people are not willing to pay me for my services – I am more than happy to pay others for theirs. Even if it is just one dollar.

Thank you,
Patrick Baynes